What is The Entrepreneur Arena?

A social platform JUST for Business Owners with some amazing benefits for members

Sharing knowledge through organised Forums

If you are used to going to Forums to sort out problems on your computer and getting help from strangers, imagine how useful it will be to connect with other people in business who are either going through the same thing, or have overcome the challenges you are currently facing? If you have been in business for a while, you will know that other business owners are incredibly generous with their knowledge. If you have often thought, ‘If only I had more time to actually meet up and network, it is so valuable’, well now you can come online and connect with others whenever you want.

Collaboration and Networking

You know how all the best business opportunities you have ever had have come from actually meeting other people? Conferences, networking events, the person you sat next to at that training who went on to be your business partner...Hop online and discover your next potential collaborator or alliance partner. If you firmly believe that magic requires in-person meetings, you can even search profiles by location and invite people to and in-person event for locals. We have the technology to help you find and meet-up with others through events.


We know that real referrals come from people who have experienced our products and services and are happy with them. People who refer want to help both you and the other person. As business owners we love supporting other small businesses to succeed, but we also need to know that what we are talking-up is good. That's why we are making it easy to experience each other’s products and services. Through the Member Online Shops, you can search a directory by product/service and location, so you can find and support others near you. You can self-organise a Referral Circle of members locally, or pay a fee to join a facilitated Referral Circle, where we do the work for you.

Save time and money by making networking with other business owners easy!

The problems that small business owners experience on social media that we are solving

When 95% of the people who ask to connect to you are B2B marketing

There is a certain platform that is very easy to get 1,000 plus connections on, you just need to mention you are a business owner and you will be inundated with people selling marketing and lead generation services. Our platform solves this in two ways: firstly, we have a code of conduct where this is not allowed, secondly, your business has it’s own Page and Shop where you are welcome to speak ‘as the business’. We ask all members to keep their Personal Profile authentic and we make that possible with 'usernames' that do not have to be your real name. We have thought-through how to help people share B2B content that others will find useful, so if you are a B2B based business, please see the FAQs for more information about this.

When you can’t talk honestly as a human being, because you are so busy personal branding

For some of us, 90% of our connections on Facebook are not really our friends, but people who are interested in what we do. That is great for business, except we are not really getting the real connection-creating social media experience, we are relating to social media like work. We want to create a place where business owners can connect with other people who share their passion for business building, AND make it possible to talk about that authentically. Under your own profile, we encourage you to just be yourself and talk about anything, without worrying about it reflecting on your brand. In the same way that an in-person networking event of business people is not a whole lot of people in the room trying to sell to each other, this online Community needs to be the same. When you join you are offered a chance to create a User-Name. Your real name and connection to your business page and store will only be visible to admins in the background. In this way, your personal profile is about YOU, and you can choose to use a business page/store to trade, or barter with other members.

Bonuses we built in that other social networks don’t have!

Members earn 'Community Credits' (our own currency) to use in the shops, just by contributing to the Community

We want YOU to create the community by sharing value and we want to say thanks for that, so we issue Community Credits when you do things that help make this social platform awesome. During the Launch and Community Building phase we will be rewarding you for just turning up and interacting! That's because interaction is what we need to get this party started. Later, people will only earn credits by contributing through things like moderation, or content that members like. By then, you will also be earning credits by selling your own goods and services to other members on your store...

Members use Community Credits to Barter

Let's talk about BARTER. What a great way to get rid of excess stock, or fill empty places on a program you run. Not only that, but when other members want to help you out with referrals, barter helps by letting others experience the value you offer.

All Premium members can sell to each other via their own shop, in both real $ and Community Credits. With a global membership, and a Directory that allows you to find people who are also local to you, we think the online economy in the Arena is going to be AMAZING!

You earn real $ in Affiliate Commission for every friend you invite who signs up as a Premium Member

We believe in saying thanks to people who help make this community work. All members, including Basic Members can sign-up to the affiliate scheme. You will then find a dashboard with your own affiliate link to use to invite others straight out of the platform, or via email, or on other socials. If you invite someone with your link and they become a Premium Member, you will earn 20% of their membership fee ongoing. You will also earn 10% of their friends membership fee ongoing. You can track all your earnings and cash out as real money, or use it to cover your own membership, or both!

Connect with people who share your passion and understand your persistence

Basic Membership

If you are a Business Owner and you would like to:

  • Meet other business owners

  • Collaborate & share knowledge

  • Be yourself, free from having to build your brand

  • Join or create Groups

  • Join or offer Events

  • Find an Accountability Buddy

  • Earn an affiliate commission for any friends who become Premium Members

  • Receive your 'Entrepreneur Profile' showing your exactly how your current thinking and motivation patterns are setting you up for success (or not) in business. Based in real research and explained via our e-learning 'Mindset Map to Success'. Both the profile and the e-learning are provided to ALL community members.

All of these will cost only $20 US per year.

You can cancel your membership at any time.

Premium Membership

If you are a Business Owner and you would like to have all the great collaboration and knowledge sharing of a social platform that is JUST for business owners PLUS:

  • Barter or sell in real $ to other members through your own online shop

  • Earn Credits to spend in the shops, just from helping build the community

  • We do the work of setting up your store with your first 2 products to help get the barter party started!

During our Launch we are offering a special lifetime membership fee for founding members.

Right now, and until we hit our next goal for member numbers, you can be a member forever, for just $10 US.

During the Launch, we are providing the invitation code for you to use inside the sign-up form, but that won't last ... soon we will have an invitation-only Community

Right now you can come in on the ground floor and help shape the Community, with membership deals that will never be repeated

Don't let being 'busy' get in the way of this amazing opportunity

Save time and money by making networking with other business owners easy

What about B2B Marketing?

We are so glad you asked.  If you are looking for the next place to do B2B marketing, click through here to find out what the boundaries are. They are different to other platforms. 

What you can do as a Premium Member is: 

  • Have a page for your business that connects to your shop and post as that

  • Purchase adverts that will be shown to Basic Members only 

  • Run an event that offers value and upsells at the end.  You can even sell tickets to those events

  • Create a group and talk about a specific thing you are good at and post offers on there 

  • Submit a blog article to us (we vet these) and have a link to your own company page at the end  

What you cannot do is:

  • Invite people to be a connection/friend based on wanting to message them about your services.  So unsolicited invites, direct messages, chats for the purpose of B2B sales are not an option. 

  • Create forum topics or posts that are basically about generating traffic to affiliate links, or to your own website for sales.  Forums will be a key part of where people connect and help each other by sharing knowledge.  If you want to talk to an audience of fans, you will need to create a Group. 

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I have more than one business, can I have more than one store?

We hear you. We also have more than this business. Many people who have been in business for a while have more than one business, so yes, you can have multiple business pages and stores connected to a single membership.

I love this! How can I help make it happen?

If the vision we have described here speaks to you, and you would like to help make this happen, we have those ways available!

  • Join as a Premium Member with an annual membership.

  • Check out the information on the Community about earning the Founding Member Badge. It is a list of stuff to do to help get things started quickly and everything on the list is awarded Community Credits.

  • Express an interest in being a Moderator. We need Moderators in different regions and languages all over the world, so come on down!

  • Ask about our Partners Program. If you have access to many, many business owners who you believe would benefit from the Community, talk to us about how we can help you promote the Community to them.

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Who are the Founders behind this?

The Co-Founders of The Entrepreneur Arena are two Australian Women, Maria and Grace, based in Western Australia. It is possibly not a coincidence that we are based in one of the most isolated places in the world because we LOVE thinking globally about our businesses!

Between us we have more than 40 years experience being self-employed. We have built multiple businesses from scratch and sold them, and sometimes have just had to close them, so we know all abut the highs and lows of business building. You will find us on the inside with clear profiles and we welcome connections from all members.

And, just to be clear, the Community is not about us being business gurus, it is about recognising that you and all the other members have an immense amount of collective wisdom to share. We are looking forward to both contributing to, and tapping into that wisdom for our own businesses.

More questions?

Do you have any other questions? Do you have an idea you want to share?

We welcome emails with questions and ideas. You can also ask these on the Forum topic just for these.

We are holding regular LIVE events online for members to meet each other: Welcome Events and also events for helping think about what is possible on the community together.

Click through here to Contact Us.

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